Earn Money Writing Articles
Earn money writing articles as a freelancer – Below you find all the steps for writing articles.
How to apply:
- Submit your first work sample.
- Let us know how many articles you like to write and how often you can send articles per week.
Next steps:
- We will email you the link to one of the project websites.
- Check this website. What information do you think is missing at the first glance. Check which topics are covered on the website and which ones are missing.
- Collect a list of frequently used keywords using Google Keyword Tools (https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal).
- Compare the missing topics with your keywords.
- Think about a title for your article based on the list of frequently used keywords. Example:
– Main title for the article (needs to be the keyword): Immigration to Australia
– Subtitle (needs to start with the keyword): Immigration to Australia with children
– Think about the goal of your article: 10 insider tips of immigration to Australia (Save money, Immigration Agents, Schools, …)
We usually ask you to upload articles on our website
- Contact us to get your login and user guide for uploading your articles. If you have any difficulties contact our admin.
- Upload your articles. Make sure that you upload as many topics on new pages as possible. We prefer articles between 200 and 350 words.
- Do a copy check. There are some free online tools available.
- Proof read everything. Double check all topics, headers, grammar, spelling and the format.
- Email us the links of your articles.
- Copy the links on your invoice template. If you have not received the template please contact us at the end of the month to get instructions for your invoice. Mention the link to the copy check tool that you have used for your work to show proof of evidence that your article is not copied from any other resource.
Sometimes we ask you to send us specific articles via email:
- You will email us your collection of keyword titles including your articles in the same order as mentioned above as an unformatted text.
- You will wait until we sent you the link where the article has been uploaded.
- If your article is suitable we will send you the link within 3-5 days.
- You will copy the link into your tax invoice template; add the number of words to the relevant column (counting the words of the published online version of this article as we often edit the articles and the number of words may change).
Always reply using the original email so that we can follow the thread.